17 April 2009

Free Treasure Trove of Rational Self-Education

F.A. Hayek Interviewed By John O'Sullivan from FEE on Vimeo
The best education is the one you provide for yourself. The Internet is proving to be an invaluable provider of educational materials. Thanks to SimoleonSense blog, I recently discovered the FEE (Foundation for Economic Education) channel of videos on Vimeo. These videos come from the venerable nonprofit educational foundation, FEE, located in Irvington, NY. Books published and distributed by FEE were pivotal in the breakthrough educational period of Al Fin, as he made the important transition from natural born sheep to radical contrarian.

I should remind you that there will be no natural-born sheep among next level humans. And needless to say, there will be no Obama zombies -- who are infinitely less capable of thinking for themselves than natural-born sheep.

The power structures of the world are intent on keeping as many persons in the helpless, brain-dead state as possible. It is what your upbringing and education -- not to mention your socialisation among your peers -- has conditioned you to be. Only a "strong move to the light" will allow you to pull yourself clear of the bog of mindlessness in which most of humanity is mired. The light of reason, that is.

FEE is only one tool out of many, but it is an extremely useful and valuable tool. Pick it up, and use it well.

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Blogger yamahaeleven said...

Great things can be found on the Internets! At the next level, I suggest there won't be any right wing zombies, either.

Zombies of any kind won't be asked to play.

Friday, 17 April, 2009  
Blogger al fin said...

Agreed, no zombies allowed.

The most prominent zombies at this time happen to be leftoid zombies, of course. From the Obama administration's corrupt tax cheat elitists to the Pelosi congressional criminals to America's newsrooms, film and TV studios, and university faculty / staff, leftoid zombies rule. To the leftoid zomboids, anyone they disagree with is racist, sexist, homophobic, extremist, and so on. They are at the peak of their influence, which means they have a long way to fall.

When the cycle swings back toward ultra-rightist oppressors of free speech and freedom of action, we contrarians will be ready to beat them down.

Friday, 17 April, 2009  
Blogger SwampWoman said...

Hey, thanks for posting all the education stuff! I'm going to spend this summer learning about things I always wanted to know about but had no time/money to pursue in the comfort of my home, for FREE!

Saturday, 18 April, 2009  
Blogger al fin said...

If the mainstream economy rejects you, SW, don't forget about the shadow economy. It may be what keeps the country afloat through the rough times coming.

Sunday, 03 May, 2009  

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