Missiles for Infantrymen: An Army of One

Enter the newest piece of Army gear: the Non–Line of Sight Launch System, already nicknamed “missiles in a box.” With NLOS-LS, soldiers at the platoon level will be able to fire up to 15 tiny precision-guided missiles from a Port-O-Potty-size crate and guide them to strike moving targets up to 25 miles away. These remote-control missile launchers can be brought to isolated areas by helicopter or truck, or dropped by parachute.Just add UAV recon capability and every infantryman can also provide his own air cover and artillery. That makes for a very potent infantry. Give a squad a contingent of armed and battle-tough robots, and they can multiply their force-factor even more.
The Department of Defense recently announced that select high-tech infantry gear from the $200 billion Future Combat Systems program, including NLOS-LS, will be sent to combat troops in 2011, three years earler than planned. FCS has lost about $1 billion in funding over the last four years, with many skeptics claiming the program doesn’t help soldiers fight guerrillas. Focusing on infantry—and delaying FCS’s new armored vehicles—could mollify these critics. _PopMech
Of course, none of that technology makes the world a better place, unless the military is disciplined, highly selective, and has a commander in chief who knows when it is appropriate and necessary to use it. Vladimir Putin would like to have such a military. But he is stuck with rusting relics of his own making. Over-centralisation of decision making is a real impaler, Vlad. And you're the one who's sitting on it.
Labels: military
I'm sure someone else out there who is not from Transylvania appreciated your tag line.
It's only work against enemy who is not in Your neighbor home,don't live in the same city,state,country....... 21' century war get fight little different :) But You all know it,Mr and Mrs!
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