30 August 2008

Two Hurricanes, Two Governors

US Republican Party presidential candidate John McCain's selection of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his VP running mate seems to have energized the US Republican Party base. If Barak Obama had named former Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco as his VP running mate, would that have energized the Democratic Party base? Certainly, when Mr. Obama failed to select Hillary Clinton as his running mate, the letdown felt by many US women was palpable.

But about Ms. Blanco, former governor of Louisiana? Would her selection by Obama as VP candidate for the USDP energize the Democratic Party base? Why not? In one word, Katrina. The infamous hurricane Katrina of August 2005 devastated New Orleans and ruined Blanco's chances for political advancement. Although the press neglected to emphasize the point, Blanco was far more responsible for the failure of state and local relief agencies to perform in a timely manner to the disaster than anyone in the US federal government. Blanco's failure to prepare and respond to Katrina marked her for life.

Blanco was not very smart, but she was smart enough not to run again for governor. She had proven herself as totally incompetent in the face of crisis, and would not be given another chance. Louisiana elected a different governor, Bobby Jindal, giving Louisiana's famously corrupt Democratic Party political machine a huge loss.

In the face of hurricane Gustav, Jindal has mobilized state and local agencies, law enforcement, etc. well in advance, and has maintained clear communications with all levels of federal government. Jindal is prepared as far as possible. Jindal is a hands-on governor with a meritocratic system--as opposed to the incredibly nepotistic and corrupt Democratic Party machine that Blanco operated within.

Louisiana (except perhaps New Orleans?) has never been better prepared for a hurricane than now. The city of New Orleans is still under Mayor Nagin's control, although it is a much smaller city now. And the more intelligent people of New Orleans will never take Nagin seriously again. They will take responsibility for themselves. For Nagin is part of the famously corrupt Democratic Party political machine. Like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, etc., Nagin is incompetent because the machine he is part of is incompetent.

Alaska's Sarah Palin is a hands-on governor like Bobby Jindal. She inspires confidence as Jindal does, and currently has an 80% approval rating in her state. There is no question as to the energizing effect her presence on the ticket has already had on the base of her national political party.

Governors matter. Their decisions matter. In routine operations and planning, and in crises. Governors are executives, they run things. Legislators such as senators can easily skate by for decades without needing to demonstrate real world competence. Governors have to have something going for them, or they are apt to be found out--like Blanco.

Gustav is building for impact with Cuba, then on to the Gulf of Mexico. Every hurricane, every natural disaster, every designed disaster is a test of the competence of government officials. In most countries (and previously in Louisiana) elected office was a corrupt sinecure, meant mainly as a base to distribute favours to campaign contributors, friends, and relatives. But in the Anglosphere, officials are expected to behave honorably and with distinction in the face of a crisis. Kathleen Blanco failed. She was replaced. She is now a political embarassment, and Obama certainly never considered her as his running mate.

Bobby Jindal was considered as a running mate for McCain, but Jindal was not ready to jump a crippled ship for higher office. Palin was asked, and she accepted. Both Palin and Jindal have demonstrated records of achievement and competence.

Senators are hard put to match the achievements of a governor. That is why US Senators are so rarely elected US President. Baby senators such as Obama, who has barely "served" half a term--spending most of the time running for president--would never have a chance without "magical" circumstances aiding them. But Obama chose another US Senator as his running mate--not someone with executive decision-making experience. That was a mistake.

Gustav, like time, global jihad, and the Russian Army, will not stop for incompetents.

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