Idiocracy and Political Correctness--Reign of Error

Idiocracy on DVD: I've seen it three times now and my wife has watched it four times. If Fox had promoted "Idiocracy" the way they promoted "Borat," courting controversy, they would have had a near-"Borat"-sized hit.Source.
Unfortunately, when watching it at home on DVD, you miss experiencing the horrifying Charlton-Heston-and-the-Statue-of-Liberty moment when "Idiocracy" is over and you emerge from the theatre into the mall full of shiny logos and sniggering pedestrians and you realize that reality today looks just like 2505 does in the movie.
Of course in the current climate of politically correct censorship, any profitable franchise has to beware of PC motivated prosecution (Duke U. Lacrosse?). This is particularly true now with PC devotees such as Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer exerting such strong political force in the US currently.
How can a society descend into the stupidity portrayed so satirically in Idiocracy? Political correctness is an excellent start. By telling yourself that red is green, and two is five, you are well on the way to a voluntary pre-frontal leukotomy. Re-defining words with nonsense definitions works well in academia and the media.
DIVERSE (adj.)- Having a significant percentage of people who are not of European descent and/or are not heterosexual. Ex- "This party is very diverse!" trans. "This party has a relatively large proportion of black skinned, Muslim, Hispanic, east Asian, and/or gay people". Note that 'diverse' usually does not apply to gender. A party with an equal amount of Irish men and women is not diverse. Cf. leftspeak 'Diversity', where gender is considered.Source.
DIVERSITY (n.)- A skin-color based quota. Sometimes expanded to include gender and/or sexual orientation. Ex- "Solomon Smith Barney is committed to diversity in the workplace" trans. "Solomon Smith Barney uses a skin color based quota when hiring new applicants". Ex- "This college lacks gender diversity" trans. "This college has too many men and thus requires a quota to admit more women".
FREE SPEECH (n.) a/k/a 'Freedom of Speech'- 1. Expression that agrees with and/or promotes left-wing dogma in public, whether through public speaking, music, movies, television, or in the news media. Ex- "We applaud Michael Moore for his commitment to Free Speech, but we find Mel Gibson's hateful movies to be offensive"; 2. Expression that is carefully crafted as to not offend non-Christians or anyone who is of non-European descent. Ex- "Art featuring dog poo smeared on the Virgin Mary is valuable free speech. A cartoon drawing of Muhammed is just plain hate speech". Ant. Leftspeak 'Hate Speech'.
HATE SPEECH (n.)- 1. Expression that disagrees with and/or challenges left-wing dogma. Ex- "Ann Coulter's book should be banned because we should not allow people to profit off of hate speech in New Jersey"; 2. Speech that could offend non-Christians or anyone of non-European descent. Ant. Leftspeak 'Free Speech'. See also: Leftspeak 'Hateful' (adj.)
MULTICULTURAL (adj.)- Multiracial. Leftspeak often confuses the concepts of 'culture' and 'race'. Not to be confused with the mod. Eng. 'multicultural', literally meaning "of many cultures". Syn. Leftspeak 'Diverse'.
MULTICULTURALISM (n.)- 1. The ideology that any person, place, thing, or concept related to the Western tradition is inferior to any person, place, thing, or concept related to any non-Western tradition; 2. The systematic subversion of Western Culture and Civilization though the media, schools, and the university system.
PROGRESSIVE (n., adj.)- 1. A Marxist, communist, or socialist (n.); 2. Inspired by Marxism, communism, or socialism (adj.) Syn. Leftspeak 'Liberal'. When the word 'liberal' began to become to closely connected with Marxism and socialism (and thus became unpopular among the public) during the late 1980s and 1990s, many 'liberals' abandoned that label in favor of 'progressive', which derives from the English word 'Progress', meaning to forge ahead. Cf. mod. Eng. 'Regress' (v.), meaning to go back or revert to an old form or way- perhaps a more apt description.
If one looked at the overall policy aims of leftists in academia, the media, and in political circles, one would almost suspect they had a backhanded genocide in mind. There is plenty of support for that suspicion in public view. But for now, let us just say that they are helping to bring about an Idiocracy.
Labels: Idiocracy, leftist idiocy
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