16 November 2006

Politics of Genetics--Eugenics=Far Right; Dysgenics=Far Left

If you look at the essence of the political left and political right, you will inevitably look at attitudes toward "genetics as destiny." The old far right believes in maintaining "pure blood lines", and feels that breeding will show. The left traditionally believes that genetics is of minor--if any--importance in human affairs. They believe humans are humans are humans. Genetics simply does not signify.

Given current leftist ascendancy in universities and the media, it is understandable that eugenics has a bad reputation, synonymous with nazism in many minds. Dysgenics is simply ignored as unimportant.

But is dysgenics as unimportant as leftists would have you think? Psychologist Richard Lynn wrote a book discussing the implications of modern dysgenic policies in the western world. Like Charles Murray before him, Lynn addresses the documented differences in aptitude and achievement between genetically different groups of people, and takes the reader on a sober journey into the dysgenic future.

Dysgenics comes into play in the modern world mainly through immigration policies, although badly designed welfare programs, and anti-meritocratic practices in school admissions and employment also promise dysgenic results.

Briefly, European populations in Europe, North America, Oceania, and other scattered outposts are not reproducing enough to sustain their population proportions. The IQ component of a society contributed by European peoples is becoming less prominent, as populations that average higher test scores on IQ tests are being replaced by populations that average lower IQ test scores.

How will this apparent lowering of population average IQ scores translate sociologically and economically for these societies? In general, one could look at the societies in Africa and the Middle East that are supplying replacement populations for Europe, and societies in Latin America which are supplying replacement populations for North America--and one could predict the futures of these formerly European dominant societies by the past of their replacement population societies. In general, one could conceivably do that.

Societies with average IQs below 90 tend to be failed societies. It is difficult to conceive of a successful modern society with such a low average IQ. Yet immigration policy by a typical leftist completely ignores the dysgenic effect of policy.

Countries have an obligation to their current citizens to only admit new immigrants who have merit--who have something to offer. Immigration policy in most western countries does not follow that one simple important guideline.

In a previous Al Fin article, I looked at this topic, and pointed to the worthy blog Audacious Epigone, as one of many blogs (including GNXP.com and iSteve.com) that attempt to monitor research relating to this topic. The ongoing insurrection in France by young muslims, and increasing threats of homegrown muslim terrorism in the UK, should serve as sufficient indicators of the now and future clash of populations for anyone sober enough to drive a car or hold a job.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to toot my own horn, but I looked at the relationship between estimated national IQ and fecundity. The correlation is an inverse, statistically significant .81. The meek-minded are inheriting the earth.

Friday, 17 November, 2006  
Blogger al fin said...

Thanks for the comment and link.

The more advanced countries could continue to take care of the less advanced countries except for one thing--dysgenic immigration policies are making it impossible in the long run for more advanced countries to stay advanced.

Proponents of dysgenic policies may not intend this result, but if their immigration policy continues some very bad things are going to happen--when the confluence of lower IQs and advanced weaponry occurs.

Friday, 17 November, 2006  

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