09 May 2009

Is Climate Change "Consensus" A Soiled Diaper?

Source: WattsUpWithThat?
The climate change "consensus" is beginning to stink like a rotten corpse or a days-soiled diaper. As world-respected climate scientist Mike Hulme states:
"If, say, Jim Hansen or Fred Singer and I sat down and looked at the same scientific evidence, we would come up with a very different set of proscriptions. Now, why is that? Is it because our scientific training is deficient, and he's seeing more than I'm seeing, or I'm seeing more than he's seeing? I don't think it is. I think actually there's a lot of stuff that's going on here. And that's actually what we have to get down to - to root out, and expose, accept, and work within these broader, deeper sources of disagreement."

"To hide behind the dubious precision of scientific numbers, and not actually expose one’s own ideologies or beliefs or values and judgements is undermining both politics and science", says Hulme.

...It’s not hard to get labelled a climate change “denier”. You don’t even have to deny that climate change is real, man-made and a problem. As Bjørn Lomborg, climatologist Patrick Michaels and political scientist Professor Roger Pielke Jr (http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/prometheus/) have discovered, you merely have to challenge the orthodox political policy responses.Or, like Climate Audit (http://www.climateaudit.org/)’s Steve McIntyre, dare to scrutinise the statistical workings behind influential climate research papers. If you stray from agreeing with the political prescription, you're an immoral person. _Register
The climate change political movement has become a religious orthodoxy -- a religion substitute and opiate for the masses. The climate religion has its own demon: "man-made carbon dioxide". It has its own prophets: Jimmy Hansen, Al Gore, Barakie come lately Obama . . . And it has its own grand inquisition gallery of knaves and excommunicators.

But the "consensus" is already past its prime, and growing more rotted by the day. The graph above shows the eerie resemblance between our current solar minimum, and the Maunder et Dalton minimums of the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s. Climate models failed dismally to anticipate that development.

The graph below illustrates recent global cooling -- as manifested by the best monitor of Earth's heat content, the oceans.
Source: WattsupWithThat?
If the oceans are losing heat, there is no way in hell that the Earth is warming.

Modern academically lobotomised psychological neotenates either never learned to use their own brains, or were programmed in schools and university to defer judgment to someone else. Every generation of indoctrination leads them to be less like humans, and more like sheepish naked monkeys. The foul and reeking climate change "consensus" religion is only one of the many syndromes afflicting humans who refuse to think for themselves. The current suicidal US government is another. American voters rather slouched and shucked their way into the abyss. In that sense, they earned their misery.

Sadly, those who didn't join the lemmings' rush find themselves in the same sinkhole.

What will it take to grow a quorum of humans capable of thinking for themselves, who can reasonable plot a workable course to a better future? The longer the Obama / Pelosi reich continues its destructive reign, the farther into the future the goal would seem to recede.

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Blogger neil craig said...

Professor HUlme has seen the writing on the wall on global warming, which is a very good sign.

Here is an article on why Singer etc were wrong & science should be replaced by "post normal scince" where "scientists - and politicians - must trade (normal) truth for influence. If scientists want to remain listened to, to bear influence on policy, they must recognise the social limits of their truth seeking". The real scientists who pushed scepticisn when it was unfashionable never recognised the social limits of scientific of truth seeking.


ulme's post normal science shares much with what Richard Feynman called cargo cult science.

Sunday, 10 May, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we need a new Exodus to someplace where we could set up a holdout of Western civilization. Maybe as federal authority collapses Alaska could secede and form a Western outpost near Free East Asia.

Tuesday, 12 May, 2009  

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