Springtime Snows Hit England, Scotland

Arctic winds are forecast to sweep across Britain and bring widespread frosts over the Easter weekend, with snow in eastern regions....Conditions will be worst in Scotland and northern England but below-freezing temperatures and a sprinkling of snow are possible even in the South East – alongside strong winds and driving rain.....Helen Chivers, of the Met Office, said that weather conditions would deteriorate across the country this week. “It looks as though we are going to have a white Easter. We’ve got northerly winds sweeping in from Thursday,” she said. “We will be looking at nighttime temperatures of minus 2C (28F) or minus 3C in quite a lot of rural areas.”___TimesEurope had been experiencing a mild winter up to now. But based upon an abnormally sluggish sun--and recently discovered lack of warming in the oceans--it looks as if the earth is giving up previously stored heat from a more active sun in the late 1990s and early 2000s. If solar activity continues relatively low for the next two or more solar cycles (20 + years), it is likely that the climate regime of Earth will stabilise within a colder range of expectations.
Labels: climate cycles
In yet another blow to the climate orthodoxy dogma of "warmer, ever warmer", an arctic freeze is descending over much of England and Scotland for Easter this year. Umm... Al, you know better than this. The 'climate orthodoxy' -- I despise the term but understand it -- has been for some time projecting that Europe and England first would fall victim to torrential colds as a result of global warming.
Something to do with shifting weather patterns inducing a local ice age.
Blogging is fun, Conrad. Why else would anyone do it?
You may be referring to the supposed disruption of the thermohaline circulation and loss of Gulf Stream warming, due to rapid meltoff of Greenland glaciers causing catastrophic loss of saline density......and so on.
Scientifically, the theory does not hold water.
The actual disruption of the correlation of rising CO2 atmospheric levels with rising Earth heat content, can be inferred by the halting of ocean warming that occurred about 4 years ago. The fact that solar activity shifted into a new mode very close to the same time, is probably coincidental, but it should make most people a bit more curious about the relationship of the sun with climate.
At this point, there are a lot of missing puzzle pieces in the climate jigsaw. Trying to create models capable of generating reliable projections at this point in climate understanding is a futile enterprise.
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