“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” _George Orwell
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- Name: al fin
- Location: North America
Primary interest is seeing that the best of humanity survives long enough to reach the next level.
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- Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks Make Accurate Cl...
- Optimism and the Brain
- An Early Merry Christmas From My Friend Annika
- Augmented Minds
- Egalitarianism: An Ideological Fallacy?
- If This is Truly Science, Why Don't the Monkeys Ar...
- Is the Debate Really Over?
- Arab World Plans Large Science Infrastructure: Wh...
- Toward a Better Virtual Reality
- High Technology Equipment for Low Technology Count...
Thank you for posting this... We just don't get to see this kind of program on our network news. Only John Stossel gets a forum to question the consensus makers. A local news segment called "Reality Check" likened those who question the consensus on global warming to "flat earthers". Thats what we get treated to in America.
No problem, Craig.
It's rare to find people in the media who are willing to interview scientists with contrary views. I suppose it is far too important to maintain the illusion of "consensus."
TGGWS was shown on channel 4 not the BBC.
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“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” _George Orwell
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