Synthetic Biology Incorporated
An article at Biosingularity blog announces the formation of Synthetic Genomics, Inc., another Craig Ventner startup. Given the successful track record of Dr. Venter's enterprises, the prospects look pretty good for SGI.
Quoting from Biosingularity:
The ability to make extensive changes to the DNA of a chromosome, assemble it, and insert it into an organism is in its infancy, and the capability to assemble chromosome length strands of DNA will be key to the success of the company. Synthetic Genomics, Inc. is developing new scientific processes to enable industry to design and test desired genetic modifications. Using the genome as a bio-factory, a custom designed, modular “cassette” system will be developed so that the organism executes specific molecular functions. Synthetically produced organisms with reduced or reoriented metabolic needs will enable new, powerful, and more direct methods of bio-engineered industrial production.
Quoting from Biosingularity:
The ability to make extensive changes to the DNA of a chromosome, assemble it, and insert it into an organism is in its infancy, and the capability to assemble chromosome length strands of DNA will be key to the success of the company. Synthetic Genomics, Inc. is developing new scientific processes to enable industry to design and test desired genetic modifications. Using the genome as a bio-factory, a custom designed, modular “cassette” system will be developed so that the organism executes specific molecular functions. Synthetically produced organisms with reduced or reoriented metabolic needs will enable new, powerful, and more direct methods of bio-engineered industrial production.
Labels: artificial cells, Craig Venter, genomics, synthetic biology
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