18 December 2005

Communists Only Killed 100 Million, But They're Not Finished Yet

In The Black Book of Communism, we learn from leftist scholars about the brutal crimes of the heirs of Marx and Engels. We learn about the vile murderous crimes of ideologues and their minions. Communists have minds for murder, and murder is what they do. Whether this follows naturally from the ideology of Marx, or whether Marx has simply been perverted--time, after time, after time, after time--well, let it simply be a matter of judgment.

Communism is not finished, because there will always be stupid people in the world who cannot learn from history. Islamism is making an effort to be the mass killer of the 21st century, to rival what communism did in the 20th. But again, communism is not finished yet.

Communists made a mess of every country they have gotten their bloody grip on. From the USSR, to the bloodied pulp of eastern europe, to Mao's China, to Pol Pot's Cambodia, Ho's Vietnam, Castro's Cuba, Mugabe's Zimbabwe, Chavez' Venezuela, Ortega's Nicaragua--all turned to bloody ruin. China's reform movement, to the extent that it negates communist/marxist dogma, may neutralize the worst effects of the mindless doctrine temporarily.

Marx was clearly a fool, and anyone who still bothers to study Marx is unwittingly the worse fool for that. Yet we know that university faculties are populated by legions of unimaginative conformists who never had to face opposition to their inbred philosophies. Thus Marx still prospers within the ranks of insular drone minds that populate the social science departments of universities. Journalists are another breed that are unintelligent enough to take marxist ideas seriously.

These professorial circle jerkers never look to the real world to see the results of their malbred deformity. They pretend as if the utter failures of their ideas, and the cost of hundreds of millions of lives--when the total cost is computed--never happened. To the extent that philosophy departments have been taken over by post-modernist morons and marxist die-hards, philosophy is dead. Fortunately, there are five other branches of cognitive science that are growing strong enough to carry the load without missing the lagging sixth.

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Blogger al fin said...

Yes, that is the greatest danger of technologies such as nanotechnology, machine intelligence, abundant fusion energy, and molecular genetics. If a person such as Saddam, Kim, or Pol Pot were to gain control of such technologies, they would create a literal hell for anyone unfortunate enough to be under their power.

Even well meaning government leaders would be tempted to use that incredible control to eliminate opposition, believing themselves to be essentially benign, even in control of quasi-infinite power.

That is the challenge that makes the future so interesting.

As for totalitarian states, those have probably been around for tens of thousands of years. They were probably led by powerful priests allied with warlords in the most ancient societies, too old for history. More recently, I suspect the ancient Greeks were confronted with just about any political theory we face today, in various dressings.

My history with marxists goes back a ways. I have never killed one, but then the opportunity never presented itself. Just kidding, I think. As for studying Marx for the historical value, fine and good, as long as one is aware that time is limited and must be prioritised.

Sunday, 18 December, 2005  

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