30 November 2005

Consciousness Studies from Wikibooks

One of the many nice things about the internet is the ability to find reference materials and textbooks about a very many relevant topics. I consider the dissemination of instructive and illuminative information so important that have made it a point to provide links to several different websites that provide free online ebooks. One of the recent sources of free ebooks to come to my attention, is Wikibooks. Wikibooks is provided on the web in the same format as Wikipedia.

Consciousness Studies is one such Wikibook. It provides a useful introduction to consciousness research for those who are new to the field. It also provides a good introduction to neuroscience for people coming to the field from philosophy, linguistics, computer science, or other non-biological areas.

Wikibooks has ebooks in many categories. Another way of browsing the categories of ebooks is here.


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