Soft Rot Fungus Wants To Be Your Friend

In their comparative analysis of T. reesei with other fungi, the team observed clustering of carbohydrate-active enzyme genes, which suggested a specific biological role: polysaccharide degradation. “While plant tissues are not likely the main source of nutrients for T. reesei, upon detection of cellulose and hemicellulose it seems that the organization of these degrading genes may be the key to a rapid response,” said Martinez.
“The sequencing of the Trichoderma reesei genome is a major step towards using renewable feedstocks for the production of fuels and chemicals,” said Joel Cherry, director of research activities in second-generation biofuels for Novozymes, one of the collaborating institutions on the study. “This soft rot fungus serves as the world’s most prodigious producer of cellulases and is already a dominant source of a wide variety of cellulase products for the textile industry worldwide. It is also the organism of choice for producing enzymes for the breakdown of cellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars, which can then be biologically converted to fuels and chemical building blocks. The information contained in its genome will allow us both to better understand how this organism degrades cellulose so efficiently and to understand how it produces the required enzymes so prodigiously. Using this information, it may be possible to improve both of these properties, decreasing the cost of converting cellulosic biomass to fuels and chemicals.” __CheckBiotech

Such subtleties are no doubt lost upon corrupt politicians and make-work bureaucrats, but we are planning to feed them into the pyrolysis plant anyway. ;-)
Labels: biomass
The effect of this enzyme on cloth reminds me of a visit I made to a biodiesel research plant quite some time ago. It turns out that biodiesel is amazingly good at dissolving rubber. This is something that one has to see to appreciate; it can make quite the disaster in an industrial setting if it's not taken into account.
Somehow I bet a cellulosic ethanol plant is going to be a great place to discover your clothes rotting off yourself.
Interesting. I guess the workers will have to go nude!
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