Climate Models Struggling for Credibility
A recent paper in the Journal of Hydrological Sciences examines the reliability and validity of current climate models, and finds them deficient.
An update of the predictions of climate alarmist and Al Gore mentor, James Hansen, reveals that Hansen is batting 0 for 3 in his long term climate model predictions (see graphic above).
Just how badly are climate modelers missing the mark?
The IPCC and the models on which it premises its version of reality are wrong on rainfall. They are wrong on GHG concentrations and behavior. Models are wrong on Antarctica, on Andean snowpack, on Bangladesh, on ocean temperatures, and wrong on the Northwest Passage. Roy Spencer�s research appears to have affirmed that models are demonstrably and fatally wrong on the threshold question of climate sensitivity. _PGNROvia_IcecapIt makes you wonder why Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and the rest of the Democratic Party led US Congress are willing to force the US to walk the plank wrapped in anchor chains, based upon faulty climate models? The policies of the Pelosi/Boxer insure the US will be forced to depend upon OPEC oil imports for the foreseeable future.
Why do Americans put up with this garbage from their politicians? Who elected those fools?
H/T Tom Nelson and Icecap
Labels: climate models
This is a beautiful chart. I'm printing it out.
It will be fun to trace the observations against the models over the years.
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