Detecting Suicide Bombers at a Distance

Using new technology, it may be possible to identify a suicide bomber far enough from a target to neutralise the threat without the loss of innocent lives.
One company claims to have developed a way around this: the first technology that automatically discovers the bombs from a safe distance. The system involves aiming a low-power radar beam at people from as far as 100 meters (109 yards) away.Source
Software within the system reveals concealed objects without showing the body underneath, which could violate subjects’ privacy, according to the developers. The technology was described last month in Technology Review, a magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The system is developed by SET Corp. of Arlington, Va. The small, privately owned business was founded in 2002 by scientists from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Defense Department’s research and development arm.
The system utilizes video-analysis software designed by Rama Chellappa, an electrical and computer engineer at the University of Maryland, according to Technology Review. The software is designed to track the subject’s movements, so the radar stays on target.
All branches of Islam have apparently adopted the suicide bomb tactic. Saudi Arabian Wahabist inspired Al Qaeda uses the tactic almost daily in Iraq and Southeast Asia. Iranian Shiite backed Hisbollah uses the tactic against enemies in Lebanon and in Israel. Palestinian muslims have adopted suicide bombing as their national sport.
If there ever is an all-Islam olympic games, no doubt the gold medal in suicide bombing will be the most sought after prize-posthumously.
Labels: Islam, suicide bombers
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