The Source of European Fertility, Now and Then
Update 21 March 2010: Blogger Statsaholic has posted a debunking of the two numbered lists below, taken from a comment in Reason magazine. Sometime after copying the lists, and while putting together this article, it became obvious to me that the lists were wrong. I decided to post them anyway, along with more primary sources, so that anyone who became suspicious -- as I did almost instantly -- could check them out, debunk them, and have a good laugh on Al Fin. This blog is not about being an authority who is always right. Sometimes, known errors -- as long as they are not too blatant -- are allowed into a published article as a type of test for readers. If you see a mistake, be sure to point it out. People who are truly intelligent love to be proven wrong, when they actually are wrong.
There has been some disagreement as to the source of increased fertility in selected European nations. While fertility trends can have many underlying reasons, in this case the primary reason for a rise (or lesser drop) in fertility rates for most European nations with the highest TFRs appears to be immigration of a high-fertility population grouping -- the Muslims.
The following is taken from a comment following this article on Sweden.
Below, you can see a graphical comparison of fertility rates and per cent Muslim population.
Fertility Rates in Europe

Islam in Europe, Wiki
Wiki List of Countries by Muslim Population (2009) data
CIA Factbook Fertility Rates by Country (2009 estimates)
Wiki Islam in Europe
Most advanced nations are experiencing a population crash due to low fertility alone. Russia's population implosion is due to both low fertility and high death rates.
Europe is based upon the welfare state model, where younger workers support retired persons and persons on welfare and disability. When the younger persons are themselves refusing to work and collecting welfare, Europe's system finds itself under deadly strain, with a diminishing tax base and an exploding government debt.
The US under Obama is experiencing a similar phenomenon, with the exception that the younger generations of Americans -- both native and immigrant -- are slightly more disposed to cultural assimilation and work, than the young incoming Muslim immigrants of Europe.
There has been some disagreement as to the source of increased fertility in selected European nations. While fertility trends can have many underlying reasons, in this case the primary reason for a rise (or lesser drop) in fertility rates for most European nations with the highest TFRs appears to be immigration of a high-fertility population grouping -- the Muslims.
The following is taken from a comment following this article on Sweden.
Here’s the order of healthiest fertility rates for Western European countries:
1) France
2) Netherlands
3) Belgium
4) Switzerland
5) Austria
6) Germany
7) Italy
8) Spain
And here’s the order with the highest proportion of Muslims:
1) France
2) Netherlands
3) Belgium
4) Switzerland
5) Austria
6) Germany
7) Italy
8) Spain
In 50 years, Europe is going to be filled with two demographic groups: elderly Europeans and Muslims.
Below, you can see a graphical comparison of fertility rates and per cent Muslim population.
Fertility Rates in Europe

Islam in Europe, Wiki
Wiki List of Countries by Muslim Population (2009) data
CIA Factbook Fertility Rates by Country (2009 estimates)
Wiki Islam in Europe
Most advanced nations are experiencing a population crash due to low fertility alone. Russia's population implosion is due to both low fertility and high death rates.
Russia’s life expectancy at birth today is about four years lower than it was forty years ago. Its health reversal is concentrated in the working age groups. This peacetime death explosion has been triggered not by tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS, but by cardiovascular disease and injuries. Alcohol, of course, has played its part: indeed, one Russian study determined that almost half of the young and middle aged men who died of injury or cardiovascular disease were drunk at the time of death. Russians now in their 30s, 40s, or 50s have already accumulated a lifetime of insults to their health. _Source
Europe is based upon the welfare state model, where younger workers support retired persons and persons on welfare and disability. When the younger persons are themselves refusing to work and collecting welfare, Europe's system finds itself under deadly strain, with a diminishing tax base and an exploding government debt.
The US under Obama is experiencing a similar phenomenon, with the exception that the younger generations of Americans -- both native and immigrant -- are slightly more disposed to cultural assimilation and work, than the young incoming Muslim immigrants of Europe.
Labels: demographic change, european decline
You should also note that some countries, such as France, do not breakdown their sociological data along racial lines. Thus, it is not possible to get real data with regards to this (this is on purpose). It is a certainty that much of France's fertility is due to their Muslims.
You are most likely right on that point.
The third world is filling up the cities and prisons of France. It is too early to tell how the French people will react to their ongoing displacement.
Al Fin, I don't think that America will do any better. In fact, we are 30-50 years ahead of Europe and the has been no resistance, and Americans have even gone so far as to elect Obama.
There are two main problems with this article:
1.Al Fin's list of Western European Countries by Fertility Rate is made up.
2. Al Fin's list of Western European Countries by Percentage Muslim is made up.
A far more balanced perspective can be found here:
Okay, I looked at Statsaholic's article, and must admit that it is a good debunking of the Reason Magazine commenter's list. Which is exactly what I was hoping for when I printed the list. It was obvious that the lists did not correlate well in the way the commenter intended, which is why the Wiki source were included to allow any reader to debunk the list who wished. Statsaholic was the first to do so.
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