Shocker! Boys Still Better at Math, Girls at Reading

Male high school students outperform female high school students for economics, math and science; and female high school students outperform males students in reading and writing. Additionally, the variability of male test performance (and probably intelligence) is greater than the variability of female test performance, and this applies to ALL of the five subjects. In other words, there will probably always be more male than female geniuses (3-4 standard deviations above the mean) and more male than female idiots (3-4 standard deviations below the mean). _MJPerryElite male mathematicians and scientists outnumber female elites in those fields by roughly 10:1. To understand more about this question, consult "Sex Differences in Mathematical Aptitude."
Politically connected feminasties such as Nancy Hopkins, Liz Spelke, Donna Shalala etc. may scream from dusk till dawn about the inequity, but the underlying brain differences between male and female have not changed significantly for thousands of years. The government can extend Title IX penalties to science, as it has to athletics, but unless government is prepared to expose female fetuses and infants to male steroid hormones, and expose male fetuses to female hormones, the gap will remain.
Labels: gender, women and math
but unless government is prepared to expose female fetuses and infants to male steroid hormones, and expose male fetuses to female hormones, the gap will remain.
Please don't give Obama ideas.
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