Human-Pig Hybrid Banned from UK Mosque
"We will take skin cells from patients who have a mutation for certain kinds of heart disease (cardiomyopathy, which makes the heart lose its pumping strength) and put them into pig eggs after their chromosomes have been removed. We will then make's important to say that we're at the very early stages of this research and it will take a considerable amount of time. There is still a great deal to learn about these techniques and much of our early work will involve understanding how we can make the hybrid cloning process as efficient as possible." __SourceAl Fin's cousin Abu has notified Al Fin that Imam Abdul Makin, from his East London mosque, has issued a fatwah against any human-pig hybrids who try to enter his mosque--or any UK mosque.
The mood was tense at the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, and officials refused all comment.
Labels: hybrid satire
Haman rights for all haman beings.
Hmmm, yes.
The ironic thing is, I suspect the imam's mosque has been infiltrated many times over by pig-humans. In fact, judging by the imam's message, pig-humans may be the only congregation he has left.
I think the pigs would object to the comparison. Lets not get hamophobic.
Good point, Baron.
The imam should be concerned about a siege of his mosque by the pig-humans in protest. If it goes on too long they may have him bacon for mercy.
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