Climate Change Makes Nuclear War Inevitable, Threatens End of Cosmos

The world renowned environmentalist explained that all of these phenomena are related, and caused by global warming. Mr. Gore emphasized his deep regret at bringing such bad news, and wanted to reassure the public that all of this could have been prevented had the US Supreme Court seen fit to go along with the Florida State Supreme Court's interceding in the 2000 US national elections. Unfortunately, Mr. Gore added, it is now too late, and America must "take its medicine," along with the rest of the universe.
Asked if he felt he deserved another Nobel Prize for his efforts to save the universe, Mr Gore answered that he was honoured simply to serve, and that he would just take the money.
Editor's note: I have added an "Apocalypse" heading to the sidebar, and this post features several links from the apocalyptic website "Armageddon Online," in honour of the addition. For those of you wondering what is happening with the "Society for Creative Apocalyptology", or SCA, be patient. Plans are shaping up nicely. Stay tuned.
Labels: apocalypse now, climate
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