04 June 2005

The End of Stupidity?

Humans are goal oriented creatures. We pursue goals of short, medium, and long term. Driving down the road we closely eye the upcoming stoplight, trying to mentally influence the color shown to us as we arrive. Even in something so trivial we are goal oriented.

On a larger scale we see the grand achievements of modern science and technology juxtaposed with the barbarianism of wanton killing, with the promise of an extended new dark age if the death cults are allowed to prevail. How can humans be so intelligent and creative, and at the same time so brutish and shortsighted? This is an interesting puzzle.

The variability within the human race is remarkable, but should not be unexpected for anyone with even a slight knowledge of biology and genetics. Many humans are simply too stupid to consider the consequences of their actions. In a society where the stupid are allowed to be influenced by violence prone fanatics and instigators, you will find a great deal of wanton violence. It is not the stupidity perse that leads to violence. It is the combination of a cultural tendency to fanaticism and instigation, with an ample society of stupid people.

How stupid is stupid? We know that if the average IQ of a population is below 90, that population cannot support a technological infrastructure, and in addition the rule of law in that country will probably fall to corrupt clannism and tribalism. Such a society is stupid, and will likely have a birthrate well above average to boot. There are many such societies in the world, and when combined with ideological fanaticism and culturally accepted instigaters of violence, these societies will export violence and stupidity in large measure.

How does one protect himself from being overwhelmed by a tsunami of stupidity and violence? That will be the subject of future postings.


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Blogger Dennis Mangan said...

"We know that if the average IQ of a population is below 90, that population cannot support a technological infrastructure, and in addition the rule of law in that country will probably fall to corrupt clannism and tribalism."

Do we really know that? The Middle East and Latin America come to mind. While clannish and tribalist, they do support technology.

Sunday, 23 December, 2007  
Blogger al fin said...

Interesting point. But remember the concept of "smart fraction" and "market dominant minority."

Latin American societies with ample smart fraction can do well, just as South Africa, Rhodesia, and Uganda did well in maintaining somewhat modern infrastructures as long as they allowed their market dominant minorities and smart fractions to operate freely. Latin American countries likewise have their smart fractions and market dominant minorities.

Middle Eastern countries would collapse without their western and far eastern contractors. They could not maintain their oil and gas fields upon which their societies depend.

Sunday, 12 April, 2009  

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