
28 June 2010

Updated List of Links for Free Online Lectures and Learning

It is possible to get a world class education free online, using web resources provided by the best universities and educators in the world. How much longer will parents pay universities tens of thousands of dollars a year and more, to provide their children with a world-class indoctrination and a slum-class education, when parents themselves could provide a top class education online for free -- and skip the crippling indoctrination (academic lobotomy) altogether?

Most of these links lead to university level lectures and entire courses available at no charge online from some of the best universities in the world. Some links go to a wide range of other multimedia learning materials, and some lead to online academic texts and notes. Most lectures are in video, some in audio, and a few in slideshow format. This is not an exhaustive list for free online higher ed. lectures and learning, but as of this date you can be sure that all links are active.

MIT Open Courseware courses with A/V materials

Tufts Open Courseware Medical, Dental, Veterinary Courses

Free Video Lectures Nice set of complete video courses

Learners TV More complete video college courses

Cosmo Learning 360 courses, plus series, seminars, documentaries, random learning videos and lectures

Home Education Open Courseware Page Nice set of links to courses and open courseware sites

Academic Earth Video lectures plus online degree info

Lecture Fox Thousands of lectures on wide range of topics

World Lecture Hall Vast searchable lecture resource.

Khan Academy Good prepping and home ed materials. Phenomenal range of multimedia learning materials and topics.

Textbooks Nice link list of free online educational materials.

Take any college class for free Links to open courseware collections and a lot of other learning resources

Open list of 250 free online courses A focus on computer science, but a wide array of other lecture topics as well.

YouTube Edu Not very useful in terms of academic content, but contains a lot of video material peripheral to what goes on at universities. Not for hard-core information junkies.

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