
22 June 2010

Unprecedented Ocean Cooling?


Now that we have a network of ocean sensing satellites (NASA Aqua) we can finally start to obtain some reliable ocean temperature data. The oceans hold 1,000 times as much heat as does the atmosphere. The ocean is also 100 times as important as land area in terms of heat balance and transfer. So when the ocean starts to cool this fast, you know that a change is coming!
Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) measured by the AMSR-E instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite continue their plunge as a predicted La Nina approaches.

...To give some idea of what is causing the global-average SST to fall so rapidly, I came up with an estimate of the change in reflected sunlight (shortwave, or SW flux) using our AMSR-E total integrated cloud water amounts....What this shows is an unusually large increase in reflected sunlight over the last several months, probably due to an increase in low cloud cover.

At this pace of cooling, I suspect that the second half of 2010 could ruin the chances of getting a record high global temperature for this year. _Spencer_via_Wattsupwiththat
More at links above.

A decline in ocean temperatures suggests a global heat deficit -- which runs contrary to the orthodox climate religion of Mr. Gore and Obama Pelosi. Winters have already started to grow colder, with many Northern Hemisphere ski resorts staying open into May or June this year. If the shift to La Nina is combined with a recently eerily quiet sun, the consequent cooling may be unpleasant.

If winters get too much colder, Obama Pelosi may have to reconsider their half-hatched plans for national energy starvation.

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