
24 June 2010

BP Increasing Recovery of Oil at Macondo Well Head

The logistics coordinator onboard the ship that has been siphoning oil from a gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico tells The Associated Press that a cap on top has been reattached and is again capturing some of the crude.

The crewmember on the bridge of the Discoverer Enterpriser said the cap was placed back on the gusher around 8 p.m. It had been off for more than 11 hours. _NOLA
The LMRP cap over the leaking Macondo well was temporarily removed due to an ROV mishap -- but is now back in place and recovering large amounts of oil, as before.

BP is adding yet another oil recovery ship to the medley -- the Helix Producer.
The Helix Producer will be collecting oil from the BOP and feeding it to the Loch Rannoch for storage. Note the preparation of underwater dispersant tanks, in case the fleet has to abandon the site due to an approaching hurricane. Speaking of which, the picture of the Gulf hasn’t changed much since yesterday, questions on the possibility of a hurricane being formed by the end of next week remain in the air.
With the addition of the Helix Producer, BP will be able to recover over 30,000 barrels per day of oil. That level of recovery should result in a significant observable decline in hydrocarbon leakage around the LMRP cap, as seen on the live cam. [Update 09:50 PDT: It appears that BP has significantly ramped up oil recovery so that relatively little oil [compared to earlier in the week - AF] is now spilling around the LMRP cap, as seen on the live cam. This is a remarkable improvement in just a matter of days.]

BP continues to prepare for hurricane season with construction of the floating detachable riser, and a seafloor based automated dispersant system. Relief well drilling continues ahead of schedule.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration is pulling out all stops in order to shut down oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic -- despite a federal judge's ruling that such a moratorium would cause irreparable harm to the economies of the Gulf region. But it is possible that irreparable harm to the Gulf offshore oil industry is precisely what Obama Pelosi has in mind.

Most of the offshore rigs are manned by non-union crews. And Obama has thrown in with George Soros in the big Brazilian offshore oil play. Soros needs those rigs down in Brazil -- so it is vital that Obama shut down US offshore drilling to free up the rigs for Mr. Soros' big project.

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