Europe's Vacation from History Is Ending

Now, in the early 21st century, the USA is barely in condition to guarantee its own security -- much less the security of allies thousands of miles distant from US borders. As the US economy proceeds to be scuttled and stripped by FOBs -- "Friends of Barry" -- the US military will necessarily be downsized and neglected, allowed to rust and deteriorate. As this happens, US allies will be left out in the cold, to fend for themselves.
Tax rates are high in Western Europe, even without the expense of maintaining an effective military. The defense umbrella that has been maintained over the continent for all of these decades has more than sufficed in the place of home-grown defense services. Under the US' protection, Europe has prospered as children prosper under the protection of powerful family protectors. With the impending loss of such diligent protection, it is uncertain what Europe will do.
The demographic dynamic of Europe is one of decline. The subcontinent itself is not growing smaller, it is the population of indigenous Europeans who are melting away through lack of self-replacement. Temporarily, this makes for more leisure time -- more time for selfish pleasures, travels, and delights. In the long run -- particularly given the impending loss of the US defense umbrella -- it opens the door to more prolific, less sophisticated and intelligent barbarians from just outside the gates.
US President Obama has taken a snapshot of Europe, one that he views with fondness and a bit of envy. Mr. Obama would like to make the US more like Europe in several ways. More government involvement in every aspect of life. Higher taxes for businesses and individuals. Less social mobility, thus more stability for the established order -- once a proper order is established. Less individual freedom of action and expression.
What Mr. Obama fails to realise is that the snapshot he possesses is not real. It is years if not decades out of date, and fading more quickly than his imagination can compensate. It was never real, of course. US protection of the subcontinent, and other subsidies that are never taken into account, have allowed Europeans an extended vacation from history. President Obama is putting an end to that vacation, albeit inadvertently.
While Mr. Obama attempts to recreate a delusionary mental image of Europe inside the United States, Europe itself will face some very difficult realites that is has been able to avoid for multiple generations.
If you are growing tired of Europe, the US, and the UK, I recommend taking a look at Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Ireland and Scotland may also have time to make important concessions to personal liberty, if they can shut down destructive immigration programs. Switzerland still has time to wake up, as well.
Labels: european decline, Obamanation
More PC would be -".... it opens the door to more prolific, less sophisticated and more intelligent barbarians from just outside the gates."
Canada and Australia will go the same way, just like other west world!
The best place would be East Siberia(if it create independent state),my grandfather told it was not so bad place after a war,it need only hard-working and inquisitive persons ;)
I like Kamchatka. It reminds me of Alaska.
Europe has so much tourist destinations to offer to its visitors...
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