The UN's IPCC: More Inbred Than an Appallachian Hog Holler Cousin Orgy

This small community of climate scientists is controlling the agenda with respect to the assessment of climate change. This is an oligarchy....Without new scientists leading the IPCC process as LAs and CLAs, the next IPCC report is doomed to continue to be completed by an oligarchy that is using its privileged position to advocate for a particular perspective on the role of humans within the climate system [the third hypothesis above]. The next IPCC report will not be a balanced assessment, but continue to be policy advocacy in the guise of a scientific framework. _ClimateScienceThe Climate Science article linked above is discussing an upcoming meeting at a remote location of the inner circle of climate hell modeling. These cloistered connoisseurs of catastrophe are meeting far from prying eyes in order to get their climate ducks in a row before presenting further prognostications to the increasingly skeptical public.
Why is the public increasingly skeptical, you ask? For many reasons.
- The oceans appear to be cooling instead of warming.
- Satellite temperature readings indicate global warming stopped ten years ago.
- The "greenhouse signature" in the tropical atmosphere is missing (PDF).
- Ice cover in Antarctica is growing, and even arctic sea ice appears to be contradicting the wildly alarmist predictions made pre-summer.
- An American Physical Society publication has opened their presses to a genuine climate debate.
- Both the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation appear to have shifted (PDF)to a cooler phase.
- The Sun's surprisingly extended quiet period between cycle 23 and cycle 24 is causing considerable questioning of the expertise of NASA solar physicists. Debate over the sun's effect on climate is heating up.
The secretive oligarchy will be huddled together on the balmy Hawaiian Isles, attempting to get their stories straight concerning these and many other issues that are keeping the warlords of weather awake at night. It is a crisis for the oligarchy, a possible tipping point.
Stay tuned.
H/T Icecap
Labels: Climate Grifters, global warming
ah can hear them banjo pikn's from here.
Duh dee dee dee deeeeeeee
Cousin Fred Bob? I thought that was you! Have another slug of shine on me.
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