Dome Shells vs. Monolithic Domes

The only building system in the world which incorporates such a superior level of structural and thermal qualities with so little material and without the use of reinforcing steel or timber.
* Lightweight
* Environmentally Sustainable
* Energy Efficient
* Low Maintenance
* Engineered for Category 5 Cyclones
* Earthquakes - Seismic Loads - 0.5g
* Termite Safe
* Fire Resistant
* Fast to Construct
* Fire Resistant____DomeshellsMore here with video...via ecofriend
Earthquake resistant, and category 5 cyclone (hurricane) resistant.Domeshells are supposed to provide a cool, dry environment in summer, and a warm dry environment in winter--with very little heating or cooling required. This is due to the unique sandwich construction, which is very efficient insulation.

Labels: monolithic dome, shelter
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