Choking China Contaminates World, Itself

China's rapid development, often touted as an economic miracle, has become an environmental disaster. Record growth necessarily requires the gargantuan consumption of resources, but in China energy use has been especially unclean and inefficient, with dire consequences for the country's air, land, and water.
The coal that has powered China's economic growth, for example, is also choking its people. Coal provides about 70 percent of China's energy needs: the country consumed some 2.4 billion tons in 2006 -- more than the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom combined. In 2000, China anticipated doubling its coal consumption by 2020; it is now expected to have done so by the end of this year. Consumption in China is huge partly because it is inefficient: as one Chinese official told Der Spiegel in early 2006, "To produce goods worth $10,000 we need seven times the resources used by Japan, almost six times the resources used by the U.S. and -- a particular source of embarrassment -- almost three times the resources used by India."
Meanwhile, this reliance on coal is devastating China's environment. The country is home to 16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities, and four of the worst off among them are in the coal-rich province of Shanxi, in northeastern China. As much as 90 percent of China's sulfur dioxide emissions and 50 percent of its particulate emissions are the result of coal use.

Pollution is also endangering China's water supplies. China's ground water, which provides 70 percent of the country's total drinking water, is under threat from a variety of sources, such as polluted surface water, hazardous waste sites, and pesticides and fertilizers. According to one report by the government-run Xinhua News Agency, the aquifers in 90 percent of Chinese cities are polluted. More than 75 percent of the river water flowing through China's urban areas is considered unsuitable for drinking or fishing, and the Chinese government deems about 30 percent of the river water throughout the country to be unfit for use in agriculture or industry. As a result, nearly 700 million people drink water contaminated with animal and human waste.
...Recent Chinese studies of two of the country's most important sources of water -- the Yangtze and Yellow rivers -- illustrate the growing challenge. The Yangtze River, which stretches all the way from the Tibetan Plateau to Shanghai, receives 40 percent of the country's sewage, 80 percent of it untreated. In 2007, the Chinese government announced that it was delaying, in part because of pollution, the development of a $60 billion plan to divert the river in order to supply the water-starved cities of Beijing and Tianjin. The Yellow River supplies water to more than 150 million people and 15 percent of China's agricultural land, but two-thirds of its water is considered unsafe to drink and 10 percent of its water is classified as sewage. In early 2007, Chinese officials announced that over one-third of the fish species native to the Yellow River had become extinct due to damming or pollution.

Japan and South Korea have long suffered from the acid rain produced by China's coal-fired power plants and from the eastbound dust storms that sweep across the Gobi Desert in the spring and dump toxic yellow dust on their land. Researchers in the United States are tracking dust, sulfur, soot, and trace metals as these travel across the Pacific from China. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that on some days, 25 percent of the particulates in the atmosphere in Los Angeles originated in China. Scientists have also traced rising levels of mercury deposits on U.S. soil back to coal-fired power plants and cement factories in China. (When ingested in significant quantities, mercury can cause birth defects and developmental problems.) Reportedly, 25-40 percent of all mercury emissions in the world come from China.Read the entire story at Foreign Affairs.
What China dumps into its waters is also polluting the rest of the world. According to the international NGO the World Wildlife Fund, China is now the largest polluter of the Pacific Ocean. As Liu Quangfeng, an adviser to the National People's Congress, put it, "Almost no river that flows into the Bo Hai [a sea along China's northern coast] is clean." China releases about 2.8 billion tons of contaminated water into the Bo Hai annually, and the content of heavy metal in the mud at the bottom of it is now 2,000 times as high as China's own official safety standard. The prawn catch has dropped by 90 percent over the past 15 years. In 2006, in the heavily industrialized southeastern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, almost 8.3 billion tons of sewage were discharged into the ocean without treatment, a 60 percent increase from 2001. More than 80 percent of the East China Sea, one of the world's largest fisheries, is now rated unsuitable for fishing, up from 53 percent in 2000.
The fallout for China's government over this massive environmental debacle will be severe, unless the leadership can focus the population's attention onto other matters--such as a war with Taiwan, or other neighbors. War is typically the way that corrupt leaders unite a disaffected population behind them, despite enormous mismanagement of resources.
If the government can stoke a latent hyper-nationalism and xenophobia among enough of its people, it may be able to avoid facing the consequences of its devastating contamination of China's air and water.
Labels: China
Yup, a short, victorious war is the historical remedy for political mismanagement. I have my doubts whether there is sufficent unanimity within the Chinese government to gin up sufficent internal support to make a credable attempt though. There's certainly a sufficeny of fear outside China to encourage such an action, but I get the sense there's an underappreciated level of internal anger amongst Chinese that works against any support of government action.
I hope. The alternative is even messier then the existing situation.
It's high time for the world's leading nations to offer to help China clean up its mess. Diplomacy by the UN is needed to get China to realize that it must stop its high level of pollution or all of the earth will ultimately suffer terrible consequences if China and other nations do not come up with a worldwide solution to the polution crisis.
The nature of China's government does not allow for the type of international cooperation which you describe, Ira.
While China's economy is nominally capitalist, its government at its core is still the xenophobic, paranoid, purge-ready, conspiratorial communist party government we have all grown to know and love from the Stalin and Mao years.
After what happened to the USSR, do not expect much international cooperation from the party leadership of China.
I wonder if at some point, China's pollution will reach the point of disaster. For example:
Potable water becomes so scarce, that supplies dry up in major metro areas. Only the wealthiest can afford what water is available.
Air, land and water becomes so toxic, that there is a major collapse in agricultural output. China is depended on food exports as well as for its own consumption.
What happens when a nuclear armed nation of 1.1 billion suddenly cannot feed itself or afford to import what it needs?
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