
23 March 2012

Why Is "The Real Meaning of MPH" Video Popular in the US?

This is a video of a young woman caught in her own confusion when trying to answer an excessively simple and straightforward question. The video is depressing in what it says about modern education in the US, and about the thinking styles that many young people may have adopted from marinating in popular culture for an excessive proportion of their time.

But the video opens an interesting window on different modes of human brain function. The young woman is stuck in a "derivational mode" of thinking in a situation where a "definitional mode" of thinking is more appropriate. In the case of the video, it appears that the woman cannot shift gear into a definitional mode of thinking. The definition of "miles per hour" involves the concept of "rate," which is difficult for some people to master. A lot of people have the same kind of problem understanding "per cent."

Perhaps she is tired, preoccupied with something else, or perhaps she has never learned to understand the concept of "rate." That is too bad, since one cannot understand the world very deeply without mental mastery of at least a few types of rates.

In attempting to answer the question, she begins to confabulate in a circular manner of thinking which is more than a little disturbing, considering that she is likely to be well above the IQ mean of likely voters in the November US elections.

Many people derive a sense of pleasure in feeling superior to another person, and such a person may enjoy watching the video -- assuming that he himself thinks he understands the rudimentary rate of miles per hour. Feeling superior because one knows the answer to a question that someone else may not know, is very often a tenuous and fleeting kind of superiority.

Thinking clearly is a skill that is not generally taught or learned in US schools. It is likely that a developmental window exists for many thinking skills, beyond which the skills become very difficult to teach.


  1. Funny that her answer, 58 minutes, is within the error of margin of a typical automobile's indicator.

  2. Yes. She was quite close to the "right answer," particularly given her vocalised line of fuzzy reasoning. She may well possess a strong intuitive sense which has served her fairly well in the past.

    Her slippery metaphorical logic is intriguingly suggestive of ordinary scientific and engineering logic used when approaching problems which are not so well defined. Less sophisticated, but that may be due to lack of proper training.

    If we could find a way to train intuitives in logic without blunting their intuition, we might see more breakthroughs.

  3. Who is buried in Grant's tomb? What color is George Washington's white horse? Clearly the woman was working on the premise that it was a trick question, right? She was over thinking it, you have to believe she needed only to slow down and repeat the question to herself and she would have noticed the question answered itself. I have to admit laughing when she said with a crinkled brow "Let me see, I can run a mile in 7 minutes, okay 8 minutes when I'm out of shape"

  4. Who is buried in Grant's tomb? What color is George Washington's white horse? Clearly the woman was working on the premise that it was a trick question, right? She was over thinking it, you have to believe she needed only to slow down and repeat the question to herself and she would have noticed the question answered itself. I have to admit laughing when she said with a crinkled brow "Let me see, I can run a mile in 7 minutes, okay 8 minutes when I'm out of shape"

  5. ...I laughed to keep from crying. It's not just her, I've asked this question to a number of people, and have gotten similar responses. There's a serious problem with the education system. I even had a friend in canada asking people she knew...2 out of 7 people got it right.


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” _George Orwell