
04 March 2012

How a 1,000 Euro Pair of Implants Upset the Balance of Nature in Bagnolo

Laura Maggi has been running Le Cafe in Bagnolo, Italy, for eight years. But it wasn't until she invested in breast implants and a more revealing wardrobe, that her business began to truly take off.
Le Cafe's Laura Maggi courtesy Daily Mail

After eight years running a bar, Laura Maggi suddenly found men beating a path to her door. Not for the quality of her coffee and aperitifs, but because she had started appearing for work in highly revealing outfits.

Hundreds of male customers flocked there day and night, leaving their cars double parked in the surrounding streets.

Congestion became such a problem that the lady mayor announced she was considering an emergency bylaw to limit traffic in the area. _DailyMail
In fact, the Mayor forbade her husband from visiting Le Cafe, and several other wives of the village have followed suit. But what are the women actually complaining about?

For a cost of between 1,000 Euros and 2,500 Euros, any woman can obtain a reasonable approximation of Laura's breasts. Revealing clothing is easily come by. Learning to think of one's self as sexy, and acting the part, may be the most difficult accomplishment for most modern, feminist-indoctrinated women, however. In many ways, large numbers of women may have forgotten how to act like women. If so, that could be an expensive lapse of memory for some, and a huge windfall of profits for Laura Maggi!

What if other female bar owners in Italy decide to imitate Laura's business plan? What will this do to the already drooping birthrates in Italia? If the men are all at Laura's bar, they can't be home making tomorrow's generation of Italians.

If Italy's women are to save the country's future, they may have to re-learn some very old lessons about human nature.

Originally posted to Al Fin Potpourri and to Al Fin, You Sexy Thing!


  1. I have two favorite places where I go. Both have pleasant waitresses. To me, having a nice female smiling at me makes me feel much better and I want to feel good for my money.
    Females that learn this simple fact of nature, that being nice to men, instead hysterical and aggressive, gives them huge benefits.

  2. Yes. That is certainly true in the commercial world. And it is likely true in the home world as well.

  3. The question is whether she can depreciate those assets? What schedule do you list them on?


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” _George Orwell