
20 February 2012

The Truth about Gender Preferences Hiding in Plain Sight

MJ Perry at Carpe Diem blog looks at College Board Advanced Placement exams by gender, in search of what he could learn about possible career choice interests by high school aged girls and boys. What he found is quite revealing -- and quite unlikely to ever be revealed in the mainstream press, for fear of repercussions from powerful feminist interests.

Take a look, and see what you think:
AP Subject Exam, 2011 %Female   %Male 
Studio Art: Drawing7426
Studio Art: Design7228
French Language6931
Art History6634
English Literature6337
Spanish Language 6337
Spanish Literature6337
English Language6238
Chinese Language5842
French Literature5842
Environmental Science5644
World History5545
Human Geography5446
U.S. History5446
European History5347
U.S. Government5347
Statistics 5248
Calculus AB4951
Comparative Government 4852
Music Theory4258
Calculus BC4159
Physics B3565
Physics C22674
Physics C12377
Computer Science A2080
Computer Science AB1486

1. Of the 35 AP subjects, female high students were over-represented in 20 subjects, male students were over-represented in 14 subjects and one subject (Latin) was perfectly balanced by gender.

2. In the science area, female students showed a greater interest in biology (59%) and environmental science (56%) than males, and males showed a greater interest in chemistry (47%) and physics (65%).

3. For mathematics subjects, female high school students were slightly over-represented in statistics (52%) and males were slightly over-represented in calculus (51%). For advanced calculus, male students were over-represented at 59%.

4. For all languages except German, more female students took language AP exams than males, and for French, female students outnumbered male students by more than 2-to-1.

5. Male high school students were significantly over-represented in all three physics exams, and both computer science exams.

Bottom Line: Assuming that high school students take AP classes and exams based on their interests and aptitudes in certain subjects, there do appear to be many gender-based differences in academic interests. Even within STEM fields there appear to be gender differences, with female high school students showing a greater interest than males in biology and environmental science and males showing a greater interest in chemistry and physics. Female students show an interest in statistics and calculus, but less of an interest in advanced math (calculus) and very little interest in computer science compared to their male classmates. _MJPerry
Girls appear to display some strong career preferences at this stage. And judging by these preferences, it is unlikely that half of all professors in science / math, and engineering / computer science, will ever be female -- unless some form of strong coercion combined with a counter-productive "dumbing down" are instituted politically.

As Mark points out in his blog post, dominant feminist interests in academia, politics, and journalism do not care about anything except what can be used to increase the political power of their affiliates. Outside of such interests, there is no significant reality, for them.

For the rest of us, we merely need to try to limit how badly we are mugged by the politically connected special interests who have hijacked what was once a representative democracy/ constitutional republic.

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