
12 February 2012

Celibrating Perversity: US Orgy of Ethno-Gender Neo-Tribalism

A great society will find ways to bring its people together around a central organising principle. A society that is in decline will fragment into competing tribes and pseudo-tribes. A perverse society will actually feed this fragmentation into competing interest groups. As a perverse society destroys opportunity in the private sector in order to feed the bloating public sector, the in-fighting between the tribes around the public trough grows vicious at times.

The US celebrates Black History Month in February. Significant parts of 8 months of the year are dedicated to one special interest group or another, in the US. The only group that is not celebrated is the hard working producers who keep the economy running to compensate for all of the neo-tribalistic waste of resources centered in Washington DC.
Occasion and Description


Black History Month

To recognize the contributions of African Americans and foster a better

understanding of the African American experience. Carter G. Woodson, who in

1926 spearheaded Negro History Week, started the observation. It was

expanded to a month in 1976. February was chosen because of the birthdays of

Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln, two people who had a dramatic affect

on the lives of African Americans.


National Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month started as Women’s History Week in 1978. In 1987,

Congress was petitioned to expand the week to an entire month. The month

recognizes the important contributions made by women through programs in

school, workplaces and communities.


Asian/Pacific American Heritage & Older Americans

Asian/Pacific American Heritage observation originally began as

Asian/Pacific Heritage week on July 10, 1978. In 1992, President Bush signed

legislation designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. The

term Asian/Pacific American includes many ethnic groups with diverse

cultures. The month celebrates the collective achievements of the many

different communities.

Older Americans Month

Older Americans Month was established by presidential proclamation to honor

the contributions of older Americans to society. Begun in 1962, Older

Americans Month is a time to celebrate and reflect on the unique

contributions of older Americans in our society.


Gay and Lesbian Pride Month

Gay and lesbian Americans have made important and lasting contributions to

our nation in every field of endeavor. In June of 2000, William J. Clinton,

President of the United States of America proclaimed June as Gay and Lesbian

Pride Month. All Americans are encouraged to observe this month with

appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that celebrate our

diversity and recognize the gay and lesbian Americans who have contributed

and enriched our national life.

Caribbean American Heritage Month

On June 5, 2006, President George W. Bush signed a proclamation making June

officially Caribbean American Heritage Month. This month has been

established to recognize the historic relationship between the people of the

Caribbean and the people of the United States as well as to recognize the

many contributions Caribbean immigrants and their descendants have made to

the well-being of America.


Hispanic Heritage Month

The first Hispanic Heritage Week was approved on September 15, 1968. The

month gives people the opportunity to plan and participate in ceremonies and

activities that recognize the contributions of the many diverse cultures

within the Hispanic community. In 1988, the celebration was expanded to a

month and goes from September 15 to October 15.


National Disability Employment Awareness Month

In 2003, previously known as National Employ the Handicapped Week, President

George W. Bush proclaimed October as National Disability Employment

Awareness Month. During this month, we recognize the many contributions

citizens with disabilities make to our society, and we reaffirm our

commitment to helping them achieve their full inclusion in our workforce.


National American Indian Heritage Month

National American Indian (or Native American) Month was enacted with a

presidential proclamation in 1990. During the month, all Americans are

encouraged to participate in programs ceremonies and activities that

celebrate American Indian and Alaskan Native peoples’ important contribution

to the United States.
There are many forces threatening to spin the US apart at its seams, diminishing any sense of common goals or destiny.

In the modern US, blacks are best known for high crime rates, low IQ, and maintaining a high level of grievance at all times. No matter how high the level of preferential treatment toward blacks in the US, the level of discontent and simmering anger in the tribe as a whole appears to grow worse every year.

Mexican immigrants to the US maintain several organisations dedicated toward "the reconquista" of parts of the US. Large numbers fail to learn to speak English after decades of residence. Dependency on public assistance is widespread among both legal and illegal hispanic immigrants. Crime rates and crime gangs are far more common in hispanic neighborhoods, than in all other neighborhoods except black.

In general, the best way to honour a population group within a society, is to make sure opportunities are equal for all, and that the rule of law applies equally to everyone. That way, no group will be singled out by officials for punishment or discrimination.

In the US, political leaders continue growing the central government at the expense of the private sector -- raising the general dependency upon the government, particularly among those of low aptitude. Separating the population into neo-tribes and special interests in an environment of high public sector dependency, puts an inordinate amount of power into the hands of government officials, bureaucrats, and politicians.

Such is a perverse society, which is on its way down -- unless significant changes occur.

Competent persons in the US who are concerned about the futures of their progeny will want to consider how they can free up their own productivity within an environment of opportunity -- given the general trend toward perversity generated by the Obama government and previous central governments.

More: Society's confusion over race


  1. A very interesting post, it reminds me a lot of Ayn Rand's The Return of the Primitive. I'm not sure I could defend your statement that: "blacks are best known for high crime rates, low IQ, and maintaining a high level of grievance." Although it may be statistically true, it's the equivalent of someone else saying: 'most white males (or Asian females, pic your category) are known for X or Y' when really the category of race does not predetermine an individual's choice of values.

    Again, I'm not fighting the truth content of that statement but pointing out that it doesn't do any good to mention it. It might be more effective to say that the values generally accepted by the African-American community lead to x or y but even then, you would be generalizing massively. So then, I think the only thing left to do is leave the discussion of race aside and focus purely on the faulty values at play while recognizing that there are such 'tribes' of people that may employ those value sets.

    Otherwise, I'm very interested in your concept of a perverse society and I think your analysis of our own perverse society is spot on.

  2. I don't think it was necessary to include: "blacks are best known for high crime rates, low IQ, and maintaining a high level of grievance at all times."

    Bringing the race of a person, group or tribe that holds certain values into the discussion only muddies the waters of discourse. Race and genders do not predetermine the values that individuals accept. Thus, the best way to attack a tribe's values is to take the values on from a rational point of view and mention that certain tribes may hold these values.

    Otherwise, excellent post, it reminds me of Ayn Rand's Return of the Primitive. Are you an Objectivist?


“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” _George Orwell