
03 April 2009

Mainstream Projections of World IQ Trends

These two charts are based upon the US Census International Database 2003. The projections involve roughly half the drop in global IQ projected by Al Fin's in-house projections. Our projections indicate a 6 point IQ drop from approximately 88 to roughly 82 between now and 2050. Mainstream predictions show a 3 point IQ drop from app. 89 to app. 86. The difference lies in the assumptions made.It is impossible to accurately predict fertility rates and death rates over a time period such as 2000 to 2050 -- which is likely to be extremely tumultuous for large areas of the globe. Whether 2050 will wake up to find a global average IQ in the mid-80s or in the low-80s, the trend toward an Idiocracy is well set.The annotated IQ distribution above illustrates the IQ levels necessary to perform different necessary functions for any modern society. If you mentally shift the curve to the left by 15 points -- 1 standard deviation -- you will understand the implications of a dysgenic shift in terms of available brainpower to perform basic functions. Most third world countries are already at a near - hopeless deficit of human capital. If the brainpower of the developed world shrinks away -- as it is in the middle of doing, who will feed the overpopulated third world and provide its medicines, its machinery, its basic needs?

Global IQ Fourmilab
Gene Expression IQ and Populations
Wikipedia "Dysgenics"


  1. Sveiki!
    Sir,You forget than technologies will allow Us all be Einstein(a),chose eyes,hair,skin color,high,etc..... You can be who you want- chameleon without any real identity.

  2. Well. It's a good thing fast strides are being made in artificial intelligence!

  3. Esh (M): Yes, humans will be eminently changeable.

    Carl: You're right. We have no time to lose! ;-)

  4. Perhaps the solution is not technical in nature but spiritual?

    From the BBC

    Two years after having one of the lowest birth rates in the world, Georgia is enjoying something of a baby boom, following an intervention from the country's most senior cleric.

  5. I was hoping to read a conclusion that gave a theory, WHY is this happening? I have heard on several occasions that over the course of the 20th century, we have had to make IQ tests harder - to accommodate a steady rise in IQs. This certainly contradicts such a notion... however more information is needed, for example the change in IQ tests, or regional differences like education, family income, health, etc. before i would conclude we're really in a crisis. I personally think the dramatic rise in processed foods, processed beverages, industrial chemicals, pollution, could very well be a factor. Who knows, but this is definitely worrying.

  6. I used your blog and data in a tangential way to the original post. You might this interesting....


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