News Media Business as Usual: How to Lie with Opinion Polls
Hat tip to Shrinkwrapped blog for pointing to a NYT newstory based loosely upon a Pew Global Attitudes Project poll.
While the NYT article is titled "Poll Shows Bright View of Muslim Integration", a close study of the graphs in the Pew article about the poll itself suggests a much darker story that could have been written. You have to wonder if the NYT writer ever actually read the poll itself, judgeing from all the happy talk in his story.

These graphs tell a truer and more profound story than the NYT writer was prepared to write. Self-identity can be divided many ways. But anyone who knows muslims personally is surely aware that there was much muslim celebration behind closed doors, on the occasions of 9/11, 7/7, and 3/11. This is one dark side of self-identification that cannot show itself in public. In public there were mainly profuse expressions of concern by muslims that they not all be blamed for the atrocities. (in the old world they came from, they would have been slaughtered, as low status minorities with ties to the religious jihadi mass murderers)
Islamic identity is growing--muslims are not assimilating within modern western nations, but rather simmering in their own broth.

How do muslim immigrants to the west view themselves? Do they relate to old world muslim totalitarian religious life and law, or do they accept the secular rule of law in their new countries? Do they condemn islamic violence and rioting, are are they sympathetic with it?
Muslims in the west are in fact agitating for Islamic Law in western countries? Can you imagine the temerity of mostly uneducated, often on the dole, immigrants demanding their own primitive system of law, in more advanced countries with long established legal traditions?

The true story is hidden within the numbers, and within the methodology of the poll itself. It is also hidden within the dishonest pseudo-virtues of multicultural appeasement by westerners, and the dishonest self-interested fear of reprisal by muslim immigrants. All poll takers must be aware of such things when asking such questions as this.
This is the time of the false truce, or hudna. It is only temporary, just long enough for the faithful to improve their strength, increase their numbers. If the westerners are easily lulled, as under multicultural appeasement, it becomes easier to grow in numbers and capacity to overthrow the established order. Visit the obstetric wards of european hospitals, and look at the majority of names of the newborn children. People who are prolific aim to gain and maintain control. People who choose not to propagate will necessarily cede the territory.
Rejoice, you faithful. Your time is at hand. The rest of you go back to sleep.
While the NYT article is titled "Poll Shows Bright View of Muslim Integration", a close study of the graphs in the Pew article about the poll itself suggests a much darker story that could have been written. You have to wonder if the NYT writer ever actually read the poll itself, judgeing from all the happy talk in his story.
These graphs tell a truer and more profound story than the NYT writer was prepared to write. Self-identity can be divided many ways. But anyone who knows muslims personally is surely aware that there was much muslim celebration behind closed doors, on the occasions of 9/11, 7/7, and 3/11. This is one dark side of self-identification that cannot show itself in public. In public there were mainly profuse expressions of concern by muslims that they not all be blamed for the atrocities. (in the old world they came from, they would have been slaughtered, as low status minorities with ties to the religious jihadi mass murderers)
Islamic identity is growing--muslims are not assimilating within modern western nations, but rather simmering in their own broth.
How do muslim immigrants to the west view themselves? Do they relate to old world muslim totalitarian religious life and law, or do they accept the secular rule of law in their new countries? Do they condemn islamic violence and rioting, are are they sympathetic with it?
Muslims in the west are in fact agitating for Islamic Law in western countries? Can you imagine the temerity of mostly uneducated, often on the dole, immigrants demanding their own primitive system of law, in more advanced countries with long established legal traditions?
The true story is hidden within the numbers, and within the methodology of the poll itself. It is also hidden within the dishonest pseudo-virtues of multicultural appeasement by westerners, and the dishonest self-interested fear of reprisal by muslim immigrants. All poll takers must be aware of such things when asking such questions as this.
This is the time of the false truce, or hudna. It is only temporary, just long enough for the faithful to improve their strength, increase their numbers. If the westerners are easily lulled, as under multicultural appeasement, it becomes easier to grow in numbers and capacity to overthrow the established order. Visit the obstetric wards of european hospitals, and look at the majority of names of the newborn children. People who are prolific aim to gain and maintain control. People who choose not to propagate will necessarily cede the territory.
Rejoice, you faithful. Your time is at hand. The rest of you go back to sleep.
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