Dancing Molecules of Life Extension
This newsrelease discusses the discoveries of Salk Institute researchers, into the IGF signaling system and its relationship to ageing.
Within a hormone-triggered cascade of molecular signals that plays a crucial for a wide range of physiological functions, researchers for the very first time have identified a protein that functions specifically to extend lifespan and youthfulness -- without disrupting fertility, immunity or the organism's response to stress.
"In past experiments, meddling with this versatile pathway to exploit its beneficial effects on aging and life span inevitably invited a host of problems," says Andrew Dillin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and leader of the study, reported in the March 9 issue of the journal Cell.
The Salk scientists discovered the protein in studies with worms, a commonly used lab model in genetics; since this signaling cascade including the newly identified protein is conserved across many species, including humans, these findings raise the prospect that one day it might be possible to medically tweak this pathway to slow aging and improve the quality of life without harmful consequences to the body.
Read the entire report here. Here is a related SENS abstract.
The intricate dance of interacting molecules described in the report is fascinating, but it is typical of the complexity of biological systems. It is only now, when the tools of science and bioinformatics are growing so sophisticated, that scientists could hope to dig so deeply into the workings of cellular and organismic systems.
Labels: cell signalling, life extension
Al. I love your blog, especially the addition of all the glorious images. Where do you find all these images?
Kevin McGrew (over at IQs Corner)
Thanks, Kevin. There are many image search engines available, including google, yahoo, and several others. Give this meta-search engine a try, if you want to compare the different image searches.
Of course, given my larcenous nature, sometimes I just steal the images from excellent blogs like yours. You are welcome to any images you find here, by the way.
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